Biographical/Other Personal Text
Personalization is the process whereby the document holder's image, signature and biographical data are incorporated into a document. The holder's biographical data (biodata) appear both in the visual inspection zone - VIZ and in the MRZ (Machine Readable Zone) of a passport (on the biodata page), ID card or visa.

Biographical/Other Personal Text
Proses dimana image pemilik dokumen, tanda tangan dan data biodatanya dimasukan dalam satu kesatuan dokumen.
Pemilik data biodata akan muncul pada Visual Inspection Zone - VIZ dan di MRZ (Machine Readable Zone) dari sebuah passport (di halaman biodata), KTP atau Visa.
Source : Click Here
Personalization is the process whereby the document holder's image, signature and biographical data are incorporated into a document. The holder's biographical data (biodata) appear both in the visual inspection zone - VIZ and in the MRZ (Machine Readable Zone) of a passport (on the biodata page), ID card or visa.

Biographical/Other Personal Text
Proses dimana image pemilik dokumen, tanda tangan dan data biodatanya dimasukan dalam satu kesatuan dokumen.
Pemilik data biodata akan muncul pada Visual Inspection Zone - VIZ dan di MRZ (Machine Readable Zone) dari sebuah passport (di halaman biodata), KTP atau Visa.
Source : Click Here
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